Welcome to Tuesday Tips - a weekly blog post for busy writers!

Today we are talking about using small projects to accomplish larger goals. Break your writing projects into manageable tasks to avoid procrastination and complete your work.
How can the author write much by writing short?
First – Start by creating content. You know, the kind that distracts you (like we discussed in this post) and interrupts your writing and stalls your productivity. I once did a series of blog posts that I later compiled into a how-to book about beginning running. Charles Dickens did something similar when he published Great Expectations (not my favorite book) in 36 weekly installments in All the Year Round.
Second – Keep the short pieces where they are easily retrievable by cutting and pasting. Your own online format may be one place to file them away with an identifiable hashtag like I use on my blog posts, such as #writingtip #tuesdaytip
Third – If you are inspired with pictures, use a visual form of social media such as Instagram or Facebook. Go ahead, create lengthy posts on social media. You’ll be creating a following while you are creating content for your next book.
Fourth – Don’t be afraid to toss out content you don’t need. Just because it’s filed under #mygreatestideas doesn’t mean you have to include it in your inspiring book. Besides, it may have served its purpose by building your audience.
Fifth – If fiction is your thing, write chapters as they come to you. You can organize them later. Writing a future chapter may help you fill in the gaps, or chapters, that have had you struggling.
Lastly - All writing is worth doing, if only for the practice.
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